Pastor David and Lhisa Caburnay believe that changing the life of a child through the Gospel of Christ leads to something even better: changing a family and an entire community.
Their work as leaders of the Mount of Olives Blessed School is fully a work of the heart as they receive no salary for helping children become more and more like Jesus Christ every day.
The Caburnay’s also lead the Mount of Olives Blessed Church and the GAP Ministry that trains and mentors more than 130 pastors throughout the Philippines.
As church leaders, the Caburnay’s minister to the families of children enrolled in the Mount of Olives Blessed School, as well as members of their own community. This means their work extends beyond the classroom and reaches out to the homes and communities where their students live.
As leaders of the GAP Ministry, Pastor David and Lhisa direct a non-denominational organization composed 0f over 130 pastors in more than 10 Philippine provinces. Groups meet monthly or bi-monthly for training and mentoring, and to support each other as they wish to confidently spread the salvation message and the love of Christ.
Aside from monthly GAP meetings, GAP Key Leaders gather twice a year for further Biblical training and practical experience, and every two years for the GAP National Gathering.
The founders live on love gifts and faith.